<pre>WGUS83 KLOT 030138 FLSLOT
Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 838 PM CDT Mon Jul 2 2018
…The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Illinois…
Fox River at Montgomery affecting Kane and Kendall Counties
...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in
Fox River at Algonquin Tailwater affecting Kane and McHenry Counties
Safety message…If you encounter a flooded roadway…turn around and find an alternate route.
/O.CON.KLOT.FL.W.0075.000000T0000Z-180704T0600Z/ /AFBI2.2.ER.180621T1607Z.180627T0300Z.180704T0000Z.UU/ 838 PM CDT Mon Jul 2 2018
The Flood Warning continues for
The Fox River at Algonquin Tailwater.
until late Tuesday night.
At 730 PM Monday the stage was 9.9 feet.
Flood stage is 9.5 feet.
Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.
Forecast…The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Tuesday evening.
LAT…LON 4238 8830 4237 8817 4221 8814 4194 8827
4195 8838 4224 8828
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